What a week, huh? Thursday the texts started rolling in that companies were requiring their staff to work remotely and shortly after, my friends and I had a text chain of work from home tips. I have been working remotely for 7+ years now but even I took away some helpful tips from my friends. SO, if you’re new to working from home or want some fresh ideas to stay productive, here are 10 tips for working remotely.
1. Have a dedicated work space.
Now don’t get me wrong, I definitely work from my couch a lot of days but when I work from my office space, I feel so much more productive! If you don’t have a room that you can dedicate to an office space, designate an area of your home. Maybe it’s your kitchen island or kitchen table. My friend has a standing desk converter that she puts on her kitchen island each day. She brings it out every morning and then when her work day is done, the desk gets put away. Make it a habit to create your office each day and put it all away at night.
2. Create a work environment.
This goes hand in hand with the last one but make sure your space feels like work! Play calm music, keep your space tidy so it feels like the office. Your brain will be more in “work mode” and less in “home mode.”
3. Have a morning routine.
Set your alarm to wake up at a certain time and have a morning routine before rolling out of bed and onto your computer. I personally like to tidy my house quick in the morning, brew a cup of coffee and journal before cracking open my computer.
4. Get dressed.
This is one I struggle with but it makes such a difference! Get ready as if you were going into the office. If you usually wear business casual clothes, you don’t necessarily have to get that fancy but if you typically shower in the morning, continue the ritual! Do you hair and makeup and put on something that makes you feel like the boss lady you are.
5. Set time boundaries.
This one is sooooo important for me! It’s so easy for me to hop on my computer at 8am and work until bedtime. I try really hard to have set working hours. Set up those boundaries for yourself and your coworkers so they know when you’re online, you’re on but otherwise it can wait.
6. Get outside.
Get fresh air at least once a day! Drink your coffee outside, eat lunch outside or go for an afternoon walk. I would guess that most of you take a lengthy lunch break at the office, now that you’re at home, you can still do the same! Set those boundaries baby. Taking a daily break from my computer really does allow my brain to reset and recharge so I can finish the day strong.
7. Communicate your schedule.
If you live with a roommate or partner, communicate your schedule at the beginning of the day. Do you have any calls? Do you need the house quiet for a certain time of day? Make sure you’re on the same page of what your day looks like.
8. Change your scenery.
This is more useful when there isn’t a recommended quarantine but can still apply at your house! I love to change my scenery and work from a coffee shop at least once a week just to switch it up. Now that we’re housebound, I plan to work from different areas of the house and even have a backyard/patio work sesh. Keep that brain stimulated!
9. Don’t forget about your commute time!
So many people I know use their commute time to unwind after a day at work. If you need that time to distance you from your work, build it into your day. Plan an at-home workout during that time, go for a walk – schedule in some down time to debrief. If you’re someone who needs this time, be sure to communicate it to your roommates and partners so they understand that you can’t jump right into hangout mode after the workday.
10. Focus on work.
When you’re home, it’s so easy to see all of the little messes you could be cleaning up or laundry you could be doing but if you were at the office, those wouldn’t cross your mind. Keep your space as tidy as you can to keep your mind focused on work but also, save the housework for after hours!
Hang in there folks! I know this is crazy times for everyone and finding a routine through it all feels like a struggle. Don’t be afraid to take each day as they come and recalibrate your routine if it isn’t working for you. Everyone is working on finding a new normal, so be patient and gentle with yourself.
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Working from home is a great idea! 😍