Minky Brady- Unveil Your Influence

Minky Brady is a Marketing Expert and Social Media Strategist. Her purpose is to help individuals Unveil Their Influence and to rise up as Next Gen influential leaders in their lives and businesses to create more income, influence and time freedom.

She is a well-known International Speaker and has studied and mastered the art of becoming an influential leader within your industry…focusing on key areas of marketing, joint ventures, collaborations, sponsorships, and ALL things social media!

Minky is building her empire alongside her husband, Coach Travis Brady, as the owners of Next Gen Coaching, Next Gen Marketing Workshop, Next Gen Branding & Business Workshop, The Strengthen Your World Leadership Experience and Next Gen Business Summit. They have built the Next Gen Team, consisting of 10 people coming together to help people in the 4 key areas of their business: branding, marketing, sales, and services/programs.


  1. Minky what is the best thing about being a marketing expert and social media strategist?

Getting to help others on their business journey to be able to rise up as an Influential Leaders within their businesses to create massive influence, income and time freedom. I get to work with the most amazing lineup of business owners, public figures and pro athletes, all with such amazing stories and higher purposes that they are wanting to share with the World.


  1. What would you do differently if you were starting in your industry now?

I would have not made money as the excuse to why I didn’t go all in on myself and purpose for so long. I would have hired seeked out guidance and support from mentors who had achieved similar results that I was wanting to achieve



  1.  What are 3 things that anyone starting in your industry need to know?
  • Hire a coach. You cannot expect someone to do something that you have not done. I continuously hire coaches to help me level up in all the key areas of my life. I would not be where I am at in my life and business without the coaches in my life helping me get there.  We rise by learning from each other working together. 
  • Honor your journey and experiences. We are who we are based upon all of our experiences. Understand the value of who you are and all the experiences that happened for you to become that person. I was able to make my first 6 figures in my business at 21 years old. I was making a massive more influence & income compared to a lot of others in my industry, because I valued my journey and the power of experience to be able to help others along theirs as well. I invested in my learning and valued my experiences to be able to offer programs that were Next Gen and set myself apart from everyone else in my industry, creating massive transformation in my clients.
  • You are your brand. Invest in developing your brand correctly in the very beginning to avoid a lot of wasted time. When I first started out I didn’t understand branding or business and just tried to market and get sales. I made the assumption that when business wasn’t working it was because I wasn’t marketing enough. When in reality it came down to my brand, which was a direct reflection of me and the depth I had gone to connect with my brand. When I worked with a coach to go to that level, I was able to evolve and grow my business.


  1. What has been your biggest customer success story?

I have helped clients create massive results in their life and businesses. Helping numerous clients create multiple 6 & 7 figure businesses  their first year in business, and continue to scale and double their income & influence every year after that. After one carefully strategized marketing branding photoshoot, I was able to help my client create $15k in sales the first week of launching the marketing photos combined with my Next Gen Marketing strategy.



  1. What keeps you going when things get tough in your business?

I go back to my WHY. Framed next to my bed I have my purpose typed out (my WHY). Answering life’s hardest but most worthwhile questions: 

-Who am I? 

-Why am I on this Earth? 

-What is my purpose? 

-Who needs me to help them? 

-Why me?

I read my purpose every morning before I start my day. Starting my day out with clarity, intention and direction. Staying in alignment with my deeper purpose, that no matter what happens that day or how hard things get, I know my purpose and why I continue to move forward.


  1. What does a typical day in your week look like?

When I wake up I start my day with a “cuddle puddle” with my two year old son and hubby. I read my purpose and prepare a healthy breakfast to start my down out with loving my mind & body. I go to the gym and workout for 1.5 hours (lifting & cardio). Afterwards I end my morning routine with my favorite form of mediation, riding and training my horses, then come home and get ready for the day… even if I have nowhere to go that day! This has been extremely crucial so that I don’t use “not being ready” as an excuse to not show up on social media or jump on a LIVE video when I feel inspired to share a message. I have a meeting with my team at least once a day to check in with where we are at with events, programs, webinars, clients, etc. The remainder of my day is spent doing a combo of professional design work, sessions with clients, photoshoots, releasing/creating content and responding to engagement on my marketing content.  Working alongside my husband everyday (our offices are in the same building) we have made a commitment to pause working at some point in the day to go for a walk and enjoy each other’s company in the fresh air. 



  1. What’s your love life look like? 

I am married to my best friend Travis Brady. We both had built our own successful businesses prior to doing what we do now. My journey evolved from fitness coaching to the Social Media & Marketing coaching that I do now, and his business evolved from life coaching to Branding Coaching. We ended up co-coaching a few clients together and the results of the combination of our expertise within our clients and their businesses was MASSIVE! We combined our businesses to coach side-by-side to continue to provide those same results within all our clients. We are business partners & best friends and growing our family with our first child Tatum in June 2020. 


  1. Whats like being a new mom? 

I have loved the new opportunity to grow as a woman being pregnant while running multiple successful businesses. Navigating and continuously balancing pregnancy and business, sharing my journey to help others along the way in theirs.  I have tapped into the “mompreneur” in me and continued to grow my businesses and personal development into the best versions yet.Our son has already been such an amazing blessing and addition to our lives.


  1. How do you balance work and family demands?

The key I have found is not to look for that “perfect balance”, rather allow yourself to take things day-by-day and be balancing your life. Everyday will look different and personal versus professional demands will vary. Allowing that flexibility to flow where your energy and attention is required has been a key mine and a lot of others’ success in feeling in alignment within both capacities. 



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