In light of recent “panic buying” it appears people are desperately clinging to rolls of toilet paper for security and indulging in fear driven “dooms day” shops to last the winter as the world prepares for a lock down. Breathe. Here is some global advice to keep you calm and carrying on.
I asked several health professionals, education professionals and a couple of #bossmums what their “top 8” tips were for a simple shop to keep clean, combat germs that target low immune systems, [also having some fun indoors while any snotty nose, cold flu or other blows over.]
Advice from a naturopath:
Hanna Anderson from “Hanna Andersons naturopathics” Australia, recommends: Vitamin C, Goldenseal/ Echinacea, Garlic, Euukalyptus spray, kava and fresh fruit. For more information or to discuss health options contact hanna at https://www.medicinefoodoz.
Advice from a 4th year nutritionist student:
Margo White from “Margos whole body nutrition” Australia, recommends: Vitamin C rich foods like berries,kiwi fruit, citrus. Garlic, manuka honey. An abundance of whole foods including fruit, vegetables, whole grains,healthy fats and good quality protein. [out of shop suggestions include: sunshine/vitamin D, exercise, consistent seep and deep belly breathing] For more information find margo @margos_wholebodynutrition.
Advice from a Fitness professional with sports nutrition qualifications:
Manu Ruhail from India, “Manu Trains” recommends: Consume fruits and vegetables high in carotenoids; broccoli, spinach, oranges, carrots. Also eating dark fruits like strawberries, blueberries and mulberries is good for boosting the immune system. Buy hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Eat home cooked meals of brown rice, lentils, chic peas, split peas, moong beans [a good source of carbohydrates and essential branch chain amino acids] Hydration of electrolytes with water, a good quality protein and Ayurvedic substance like “Ashwagandha.” For more information follow Manu @manuruhail.
Advice from a teacher:
Kay Marr, New Zealand, who has worked in a school: multi purpose disinfectant wipes [detol], a multi purpose antibacterial cleaner [domestos], an antibacterial soap [detol],- a good tip is getting the kids to make up or sing a song while washing their hands. Hand sanitizer in the car, a separate kitchen wipe to clean all surfaces before and after using the kitchen, dandelion tea, freash fruit and vegetables, seasonal seeds to plant in your own garden for more self sufficiency. [nz autumn/winter season is ideal for spring onion radish, beetroot, spinach and pak choi] and a multi vitamin.
Advice from an engineer and boss mum:
Rinka Van Dommelen: Dutchland who says:
- Go to the forest
- Hug the kids
- Play games every few hours
- Make straw guitars
- Listen to music
- Dance, play and sing
- Wash your hands
- Eat fresh food often and as a family.
Advice from a full time artist/ stay at home mom:
Nikki Arrington: USA, who works at “Astray Chalet”: Carrots, apples, whole wheat pasta, mixed beans, white vinegar [for cleaning] raw honey and cashews. For more info check out Nikkis shop on etsy and find her on instagram at @astray_chalet
General suggestions for activities to improve health and well-being at home.
- Have a yummy breakfast planned each night before bed for you and the kiddos
- Make your bed every morning
- Keep meditating
- Keep fresh air circulating through the house
- Move your body in some way
- Find and share new brain activities for you and your kiddos
- Learn a dance with your kiddos
- Find a way to be thankful for the situation you are in
My recommendations:
Tea tree oil [ as an antiseptic, hand sanitizer and disinfectant] tooth paste, honey and ginger tea [anti inflammatory, gut settler and immune booster], peanut butter [protein] mixed beans [protein], bananas [potassium and carbohydrate] tomatoes and strawberries [vitamin C] beetroot and hummus dip [accompanied well with sea weed crackers] because life is here to be lived! The health benefits of beetroot hummus are great and they make a brilliant snack, staple at picnics or with a larger portion and some salad- a nutrient rich, fulfilling meal! You can find more on my website: https://www.tazxlpt.
It is the season to nourish your body, mind and soul. Now, more than ever people should be investing in their health and happiness. Hopefully this article provides some guidance from around the world to give you clearer direction as to what “smart shopping” looks like. Don’t panic buy, take some time to think about what you are putting into your body ad what you are getting out of it.
Be inspired to plant some seeds and get back to your grass roots. We don’t need an abundance of items to thrive, just some simple measures, that will ensure sustainability. We all have the same amount of time, spend it in areas that give back and allow you to grow personally, professionally, emotionally and spiritually.
By: Taz Dunstan